That's right, I've finally been able to design the icons for the PowerBook series of Macs!
The additions are the PowerBook 100, PowerBook 140 (2 variations), PowerBook Duo (2 variations), PowerBook 520 and the PowerBook 5300.
In addition, a picture of the Lisa (Mac XL) was provided, enabling me to create icons for the very first Macintosh prototype. Thanks to Ian Phillips for providing the picture.
Important Note:
• Permission IS HEREBY GIVEN to include this archive on any CD-ROM or other commercial package, provided that:
1) you inform me via e-mail ( of your intent to do so;
2) all files contained within are not altered in any way, shape or form;
3) all components (readme files, icons, resources) remain with the archive.
An aside: Aargh!! The Baton Broadcasting System, or BBS, which broadcasts the TV science fiction series Babylon 5 throughout most of Canada, has dropped the series from its fall lineup, even though it's been officially renewed!
Included in this icon archive are the following:
• A ResEdit resource containing ics#, ics4, ics8, ICN#, icl4, and icl8 resources of all the Apple Macintosh "form factors", as they're called, that have ever been released, with the exception of the Macintosh Portable.
• A folder contining folders containing folders with the same icons, except that you can copy and paste them onto your hard drive icon or whatever without the hassle of using ResEdit to do it for you. Same exception as the resource file (ie no Mac Portable).
• What distinguishes Hubert's 2D/3D Mac Icons from other Macintosh machine icon archives is that virtually every single variation of Mac form factors has been included. Remember the original LC? It was slated to have 2 internal disk drives, but at the last minute Apple decided to put a hard drive in instead, so a case cover was used to cover up the drive slot. If you look closely, at the "LC (original)" icon, you'll be able to make it out. Very minor variations in Mac cases, such as the "lip" found in all manual-inject disk drive-equipped Macs (try saying that five times fast!) or a slight remold of the disk drive and CD areas (for example, some of the II-series, the Centris 610 series and the Quadra series) are included. For instance, the Quadra 800 icon set has eight variations, which include the 4 different optional drive (CD and DAT) locations. Whatever desktop Macintosh you have, in whatever configuration, you should be able to find a matching icon. And, they're all placed in convenient folders so you don't have to go searching through a window- full of icons belonging to several machine families.
• Additionally, all of these icons look great no matter what depth monitor you have (black and white and in View By anything except Icon, however, is pushing the limits).
• Why the Mac Portable was left out: I've never seen a good picture of one. If anyone has a picture of a Mac Portable, please try and send me a copy (details below). I'll gladly work it into a future release.
• The icons on the "Series" folders (ie Compact Macs, LC-series) were selected because I feel that they were either the best-looking icon for the series and didn't look like another icon "assigned" to a different folder (that's why the PowerMac line is represented by the 5200 icon and not the PowerMac 8100 or 9500), or because it has become the most recognized icon for that particular series, hence the Plus for the Compact Macs.
• None of these icons are, to the best of my knowledge, exactly the same as the ones originally supplied by Apple Computer Inc. previous to System 7.5, with perhaps the exception of a couple of small, ics# resources. Maybe not even that. Many of these icons were actually created from scratch.
• Icons for the new Mac clones probably won't be included in future releases, since there will be too many to keep track of, I don't have good pictures of any of them, and because this is dedicated to the company and the computers that have made the computing world what it is today. I intend no disrespect for the MacOS clone makers at all; I'm all for a greater Mac OS market share. For people who want icons of clones, I happily refer you to Mike's PowerMac/PowerSurge Icons†, which is probably easier to find than this is.
• Note: all icons are listed by Apple's "form factor" designation, for example the Quadra 840av, Power Macintosh 8100, etc all fall under "Quadra 800" and its various configurations and case structures.
• Another note: Because of the above note, if you can't find, say, a 6100/66 icon in the PowerMac Series folder, that's because it's form factor, in this case a Centris 610, is under the Centris 610 Series folder. The same goes for the 7100 (IIvx, in the II-Series folder) and the 8100 (Quadra 800, in the Quadra-Series folder). The LC 630, PowerMac 6200/75 and such can be found under the Quadra series. Don't worry, just search the folders. You'll find the icon that most closely matches your Mac sooner or later.
• Final Note: Not all of these Mac icons are to scale with each other. The reason for this is simple: If you were to compare an LC-type case with a Power Mac 9500 case, the LC icon would be about 10 pixels wide and 3 pixels high. Obviously, most people would want detail and accuracy over precise scale, so this is what has been done.
• Feel free to upload this anywhere, however the read me files must remain with the archive. Uploading without it is not permitted. (but PLEASE do upload it elsewhere!)
• Permission IS HEREBY GIVEN to include this archive on any CD-ROM or other commercial package, provided that:
1) you inform me via e-mail ( of your intent to do so;
2) all files within are not altered in any way, shape or form;
3) all components (readme files, icons, resources) remain with the archive.
• I retain all rights to these icons in all of its forms.
• Feel free to alter any of the enclosed icons to suit your needs, but do not include them with the archive if you intend to upload them or give them to someone else.
I now have my own e-mail address! From now on, please send email to the following address:
Please also note that this address can handle file attachments, so I can send out new releases to your mailboxes if you can't find it anywhere online.
If there are any inconsistencies between the ResEdit resource and the icons in the folders (I may have changed an icon for one, but neglected to change it in the other) or other "bug" reports, please send it to the email address listed below as well.
If you have a picture (electronic, of course) of the Mac Portable, by all means, attach the file to the mail. The mail service does allow files, but please keep them as small as possible. Also, the PowerBook 100 icon is actually a dud; I also don't have a picture of one of these, so the icons are actually slightly modified PowerBook 140 icons. Any pictures of the PB 100 would also be greatly appreciated.
I will respond to any "legitimate" e-mail that is recieved (I've only recieved a few so far, so this shouldn't be too hard). Any requests for changes, additions, or any inconsistencies reported will be corrected in a future release. If anyone wants to comment on my continuing to update the 2D version, please say so. One response I've gotten says that they actually liked the 2D version better! To each his/her own, then ;-).